It's creeping closer my friends! In a desperate bid to be able to afford the mammoth pile of presents I've picked out for my inner circle, I've managed to get myself a Christmas job. But not just any Christmas job. Oh no. This is an M&S Christmas job (laugh! You know you want to.) ..In the Christmas department. Which means that I'm living out several epic childhood fantasies. As a complete Christmas nut, I used to listen to Christmas songs as early as July, and pick out presents/wrapping paper in August. Now, it's November, and I can listen to Christmas songs all day long. It drives everyone else mental but I adore it. Christmas is beautiful, and those songs are too good to only listen to for four weeks.
An unexpected result of this is working in retail and, you know, dealing with people. Luckily for me (and unluckily for everyone else) I don't have any horror stories to reveal about the Great British Shopping Public. I'm actually enjoying it. Mainly because I get to listen to Christmas songs all day long. I've even managed to redraft my shopping list, making allowances for any people I will inevitably forget to buy for. But it gets better... I'm managing to spread the Christmas Spirit! I've got everyone in my family already thinking about the Big Day. I've got people at work singing along to the songs. I've got screaming kids at work going batshit crazy over the Mr T talking keyrings. My work is almost done.
Although I'm mightily proud of myself for doing my bit to Save the Elves, I'm also incredibly annoyed with myself. I haven't been to see the Oxford Street Christmas lights yet. Nor the Westfield ones (although that might be because the Bieber was there yesterday and I don't fancy getting crushed into oblivion by screaming prepubescent teenage girls). It's far too early for me to put up my own decorations yet so I need to hurry up and go see the twinkling lights and embrace all the lovely people unknowingly Saving some Elves. (As a side note: Do you think we could expand Hermione Granger's S.P.E.W to include the Christmas Elves? I think we should try...)
Whatever you're doing this Christmas, I hope a part of you will be able to enjoy it as much as I will. It really is magical. And you'll be Saving the Elves! (Think of those poor Elves!)
To get you into the mood:
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